


Project Details

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HouseHouse Cox and House Hawick
Warp/warp saltpans
Project Lead(s)caricinogenius
Date StartedAugust 31, 2013
Date CompletedAugust 31, 2013

Saltpans was the work of some fell beast in human skin.

- Lady Mariya Darry

Saltpans is a town in The Riverlands that sits on the Bay of Crabs and is the seat of House Cox. Semi-canon sources also indicate that House Hawick is from the town. Saltpans has never been an important trading port but ships do call there from time to time. A small castle dominates the town, overlooking the harbor.

House Hawick

House Hawick of Saltpans is a noble house from the Riverlands. Neither their arms nor their motto appear in the books. According to semi-canon sources, they blazon their arms with white sea birds strewn on a blue field. The only member of the house to be mentioned (in A Clash of Kings appendix) is Bellena Hawick who is wife to Ser Hosteen Frey, one of Lord Walder’s many sons. House Hawick commands a small keep overlooking the town of Saltpans.

House Cox

House Cox of Saltpans is a knightly house of the Riverlands (Coats of Arms or their words are not known). The known Coxs during the timespan of the events described on ASoIaF are:

• Ser Quincy Cox, the Knight of Saltpans is the head of his house. He is old.

• His sons

• His two daughters

• His grandsons

Sub Projects

Wazgamer assigned Stonyhead to the lands of House Cox in 2018. Stonyhead was not included in the original Saltpans project so will need to be added at a later date.


Saltpans was featured in Episode 10 of WesterosCraft Walks, hosted by DutchGuard.

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WesterosCraft is a free, volunteer fan project not affiliated in any way with GRRM, Mojang, or HBO.